Building Material Equipment price Introduction Our company has manufactured a new active lime rotary kiln production adopts new modern technology of burner, it can make full use of cheap energy; especially utilize the most draining inflammable gas as treasure of part energy, which is harmful to the environment. At present, it has been one of the most preferred auxiliary materials for steel-making, coking and calcium carbide industries. Working Principle: This rotary kiln is a new type of dry process rotary kiln whose barrel is made of rolled steel plates. With an inner diameter of 3.5m and a length of 60m, the barrel is inside mounted with firebricks. At an angle of 3.5% with the horizontal line, it is supported by three belting leathers on three supporting devices, with a big ring gear fixed at the cent re of the barrel. The turn of the barrel is made through motor----speed reducer----pinion as well as the teeth joining of gearwheel and pinion. Materials enter the end of the rotary kiln----the high part of the barrel----and go into the kiln through the tremie pipe. Because of the slant of the barrel and the slow turn, the materials turn around a circle on one hand and move toward the lower end on the other hand, being burnt into clinker by disintegrating, burning, cooling and other process engineering, let out through the lower end of the barrel and go into the cooling machine. The fuel is sprayed into the kiln by the spray coal device of the kiln head. The exhaust gas after burn is blowed out by air-exhausting machine of the kiln end and go into the atmosphere through the chimney after heat exchange with materials. Performance Feature 1. Environmental protection ,energy conservation,higher mechanization and automation. 2. Convenient maintenance, low consumption. 3. Strong ability to react chemically, low volume density and large specific surface area for finished products. Main Technical Parameters Designed capacity 锛坱/d锛?/p>1502002503004005006008001000 Productactive lime Caustic calcined dolomiteactive lime caustic calcined dolomiteactive lime Caustic calcined dolomiteactive lime Caustic calcined dolomiteactive limeactive limeactive limeactive limeactive lime Rotary kilnSpec. (m)桅2.5脳40桅2.8脳42桅3脳46桅3.2脳50桅3.5脳56桅3.8脳58桅4脳60桅4.3脳64桅4.8脳68 Effective volume (m鲁)1421902352924305055757381005 Burning temperature (鈩?1350/12501350/12501350/12501350/125013501350135013501350Building Material Equipment price website:
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