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Captura de pantalla 2021-07-08 a las 9.55_edited.jpg


Authors: Jesús Cerdeña Marrero, Maria Dolores Izquierdo Mora, Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Karina López Pérez, Miguel Francisco García Cedrés.

Original research project

Artistic mirror result

Jesús Cerdeña Marrero, María Dolores Izquierdo Mora, Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Karina López Pérez, Rosario Torres Torres. Concordancia de los Discursos de Personas Dependientes, Cuidadores Familiares y Profesionales sobre las Buenas Prácticas en Atención domiciliaria. Boletín digital de investigación en atención primaria de Tenerife Numero 10 diciembre 2016;Págs: 7-8.


Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Emilio José Sanz Álvarez, Dolores Izquierdo Mora, Jesús Cerdeña Marrero, Karina López Pérez, Ursina Martin-Fernández González, Dolores García Hernández, María Elena Felipe Pérez, Milagros Pérez Hernández, Natalia García Lucas. Transferencia de resultados científicos en formatos artísticos-creativos. “tengo ganas de…” un ejemplo de transformación de un estudio cualitativo sobre atención a personas mayores en domicilio. Health, Aging & end of life. 2016 Vol 01 pp. 97-110.


Jesús Cerdeña Marrero, Maria Dolores Izquierdo Mora, Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Karina López Pérez, Miguel Francisco García Cedrés. Contigo.


Dolores Izquierdo Mora, Jesús Cerdeña Marrero. Contigo “significado del Buen trato a personas mayores dependientes”. Boletín de investigación en atención primaria de Tenerife. 2017 Vol: Especial junio; pp 79-80.

Language: Spanish
Summary: Dependent people, caregivers and professionals, agree that treating well is:
treat with affection, patience, humor, respect and humanity, favor communication and autonomy, negotiate interventions, accompany and integrate the dependent in family life, involve the family in the care and take care of the caregiver. Dependent people emphasize value of not feeling alone, relating and “leaving home”. Elements appear in all three speeches that facilitate or challenge good treatment: the family, the character of the dependent, the type and evolution of dependency, resources, institutions and professionals. Challenges for professionals are the lack of time and legal support and inequity in care. Match the hardness of care and the physical and psychological overload that it entails, but only the dependents speak of the hardness of being cared for, of the fear of the evolution of the disease and the limitations that they generate. The representation of all these messages are included in the elaboration of the short film that focuses on the importance of valuing the primary caregiver, and to listen to the needs of the dependent person.

Art format: short film

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