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Captura de pantalla 2021-07-08 a las 9.43_edited.jpg

Esta vez, sí

Authors: Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Emilio J Sanz Alvarez, Carmen Real Perera

Original research project

Artistic mirror result

“Proyecto DIPEx: Percepción y experiencias de personas en tratamiento de reproducción asistida. Transformación de resultados científicos en formato artístico-creativos” financiado dentro del Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento, convocatoria 2014: Proyectos "Explora Ciencia" y "Explora Tecnología". Los resultados completos están disponibles en;

Vinita Mahtani Chugani, Emilio J Sanz Alvarez, Carmen Real Perera. Esta vez, sí.

Language: Spanish with english subtitle
Summary: DIPEx is an international project that aims to provide reliable information on the Internet based on the experiences of patients and their families, and offers information resources for other people with the same health problem (
The reproductive health DIPEx module, whose objective is to study the experiences of assisted reproduction, has been transformed into a short film within the framework of the "arts based research" paradigm. Based on this rigorous qualitative study using open ended interviews, we have obtained a list of messages that aims to provide inspiration to promote deep reflection before starting these treatments and work on how to face this problem. Carla has not been able to have children but is able to reconstitute herself after a series of attempts. A set of characters will tell us about the meaning of motherhood and fatherhood, treatment options, being biologically own or foreign, the toughness of the treatments, social pressure and judgments.

Art format: short film

Director: Karim Shaker


Premios “Ciencia en acción” 2019: Mención de Honor de Cortos Científicos.
Por el entusiasmo y claridad con la que se expone un tema tan complejo y delicado como la información recibida en temas de salud y reproducción asistida utilizando de manera amena distintos recursos audiovisuales.

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