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Párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y editar. Es fácil. Haz clic en "Editar Texto" o doble clic aquí para agregar tu contenido y cambiar la fuente. En este espacio puedes contar tu historia y permitir que tus usuarios sepan más sobre ti.
Párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y editar. Es fácil. Haz clic en "Editar Texto" o doble clic aquí para agregar tu contenido y cambiar la fuente. En este espacio puedes contar tu historia y permitir que tus usuarios sepan más sobre ti.
Authors: Rafael Mota Vargas, Vinita Mahtani-Chugani, María Solano Pallero M, Rivero Jiménez B, Cabo Domínguez R, Robles Alonso V.
Original research project
Artistic mirror result
Mota Vargas R, Mahtani-Chugani V, Solano Pallero M, Rivero Jiménez B, Cabo Domínguez R, Robles Alonso V. The transformation process for palliative care professionals: The metamorphosis, a qualitative research study. Palliat Med. 2016 Feb;30(2):161-70. doi: 10.1177/0269216315583434.
Available at:
Rafael Mota Vargas, Vinita Mahtani-Chugani, María Solano Pallero M, Rivero Jiménez B, Cabo Domínguez R, Robles Alonso V. Metramorfosis.
Language: Spanish with english subtitle
Summary:Objective: The objective of this study is to know the emotional impact that it generates, in professionals
palliative care, daily contact with terminally ill patients, analyze what self-care strategies used to carry out this work and study the possible extrapolation of these tools to help other health professionals in situations of intense
Scope of study: Professionals from the Extremadura Regional Palliative Care Program.
Design and data collection techniques: Qualitative Study based on the Interview technique individual Semi-structured.
Dissemination of results: There is a dissemination plan aimed at the scientific community, personalities and health managers in Extremadura, health professionals in contact with the suffering and general population.
Art format: documentary short film