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Mirror Understanding between Science & Arts

MUSA seeks to enlighten the value of arts as vehicles to achieve an effective impact that provoke social changes and modify the perspective that society and individuals have been constructed in regards to suffering health problems. Arts contribute to construct human beings and have the power to change individuals and society.

MUSA aims to get a deep understanding of transformation methods and provide guidelines for future creations of artistic productions that aim to provoke societal changes. It has three main streams:

1: General perspective: identifying artistic productions that have generated new thinking, engagement and action in relation to health problems in order to contribute to their dissemination.

2: Methodological perspective: identifying and developing research that can contribute to the methodology, guidelines and rigour criteria for how to transform scientific messages into artistic products that aims to provoke social changes.

3: Concrete perspective: 

producing and evaluating our own artistic creations that will be developed based on our research on different health topics that have a relevant impact on individuals and society.

The MUSA project will result in guidelines and training tools to carry out rigorous translations from science to art viceversa. The online MUSA Network will be developed for the collection and dissemination of artistic products that aim to provoke social changes and to offer a space for the dialogue and material for the training of research and arts professionals.

Mirror of Understanding between Science & Arts team

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Vinita Mahtani-Chugani. Unidad de Investigación HUNSC y Gerencia de Atención Primaria de Tenerife. Islas Canarias. España.


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